Commercial compost pickup

Does your restaurant, café, brewery, or office (and more!) want to serve as an environmental steward and work towards a healthier community?

We want to help your business go green!

We will pick up your food waste and other compostable materials each week and transport it to our composting partners – where it’s made into nutrient-rich soil.

Our commercial clients will receive:

  • Counter-Top and Commercial Bins

  • Compostable Liners

  • Window Decal for your business

  • Digital “We Compost” badge for your website

  • Appropriate signage & education session to assist your employees

  • Finished Compost 2x per year

  • Social Media Shout out for joining our movement!

  • Semi-Annual Reporting*

    *We track your pounds diverted from landfills with every pickup, methane emissions avoided, and compost created each collection. Use these reports to highlight your environmental impact and inspire your employees and customers alike!

We’re happy to bring composting to a diverse range of businesses. Reach out to us today for a free estimate!